Animal fusion meets asia

Animal fusion meets asia

Friis & Company woven shirt, $75 / White tube top, $14 / River Island light weight jacket, $53 / Boutique pencil skirt / People Tree pencil skirt, $58 / Topshop high heel wedge sandals, $150 / Topshop / Zara gemstone earrings / Bead jewelry, $18

Snake, Leopard and pink look

Snake, Leopard and pink look

Up&down | 3 Animal Prints


20121223-223304.jpgHere’s me and my outfit from friday. I’m rocking 3 different animal prints, all in one.  3 different prints, is upping my daily dose of animal prints and it’s all good! 😉

What do you think? 

Wearing:  LEOWULFF LABEL leopard print calfhair bag, CARIN WESTER coat, ZARA leopard legging, PAVEMENT snake print boots, VINCE cashmere loop scarf.

Bordeaux Leopard Legging | Zara


20121219-151153.jpgGood evening sweethearts… I’ve been so busy with work and x-mas shopping, that I haven’t been that diligent to update the blog lately! But the good news is that I’ve been shopping a couple of new items, so that I can add some more animal prints to my wardrobe 😉 and here’s one of them! I purchased these sassy leopard print leggings in bordeaux the other day… I couldn’t help myself! 🙂 I love the color, the price was right and leopard print is my fave! 


I found them for you guys on ZARA’s online shop in black –  HERE

My Style | Rock Look

My Style Rock chick look

My Style Rock chick look

My Style Rock chick look

My Style Rock chick look

Saturday, I went shopping with my “private photographer” ;-)… Still cold and snowy, so I thought that leather, alpaca and mohair would keep my warm and focused, since I was on a x-mas present quest! I’m not even close to being finished with buying my gifts…  

How is your x-mas shopping going?

Wearing: LEOWULFF LABEL snake print leather bag, CARIN WESTER coat, AMERICAN RETRO sweater, THE WARDROBE leather pants, ZARA sunglasses, H&M fingerless gloves, biker boots.

My Style | Long Turtleneck Dress And Accessories

My style | Long turtleneck and accessories
My style | Long turtleneck and accessories

I’ve made a decollage, of my outfit from yesterday, for you guys! Again, my (good looking 😉 photographer is too busy for MOI… 😦 So still trying to manage.  The turtleneck that I’m wearing has been in my wardrobe for the last ” cough cough” years.. 😉 and I love it!  The long wool turtleneck dress (in the color taupe) is a forever piece, and in my opinion, will NEVER got out of fashion! And since the dress is quite simple, I added a cool belt, two-toned sunglasses and my leopard print calfhair bag.  I felt warm and fashionable all in once… 

YAY! It’s friday darlings, someone doing anything special? Do tell…! Tonight’s ‘date night’ with my good looking photographer…

Wearing: LEOWULFF LABEL leopard print calfhair handbag (still available on, ZARA sunglasses, SISLEY (purchased in italy) long wool turtleneck dress, vintage belt, AMERICAN RETRO jacket.

My Style | Winter Leopard And Bordeaux Dress


20121211-120519.jpgAgain my personal photographer is busy… 😦

So, I hope that you can bare with me on my iPhone pics from now and then…?! Here is yesterday’s outfit. The color bordeaux is amazing, but even better, when mixing it with leopard print! Together, they complement each other very well! 

Wearing: AMERICAN RETRO scarf, MUNDERINGSKOMPAGNIET leather jacket, SELECTED/FEMME bordeaux dress, LEOWULFF LABEL leopard legging (old collection), ZARA sunglasses, biker boots.

Bbbbrrrrrr… It’s Cold In CPH!

20121210-131217.jpgYesterday there was a snow storm in Danmark and the result, is of course, that it seriously has become VERY cold in small DK… It’s that kind of day, where you just want to stay in, warm cup of chocolate and watch the Victoria’s Secret show on repeat! Oh, if it were so easy… I had a few meetings to attend in the city, so WATCH OUT! SNOW-LADY coming you’re way… 😉 Hard to be fashion, when it’s freezing and snowing!! Bbrrr

Ps. I know, the background isn’t very sexy… 😉

Wearing: ZARA sunglasses, H&M hat, AMERICAN RETRO coat.


My Style | Hotel Costes Nice To See You Again..

While, I was in paris, my sweetheart and I had dinner, at Hotel Costes the night before we had to fly back to Copenhagen. I absolutely LOVE the mood, interieur and food at Hotel costes! So, I got all dolled up for a romantic evening in Paris… 😉 The dress that I’m wearing is from American Retro and it’s actually the dress that I’m wearing on the small profile picture to the right.. ->

Wearing: LEOWULFF crocodile leather embossed wallet/clutch, AMERICAN RETRO dress, ZARA leopard print ankle boots, TECHNOMARINE watch, Gold bracelets and shamballa jewels black diamond bracelet, H&M hosiery.